Rapid shine Cleaning acids:
are essential to industrial and institutional cleaning procedures where accuracy and productivity are critical and also it remove inorganic deposits such as scaling. These specialty solutions are designed to remove rust, corrosion, and hard water stains so Removes tough stains and scaling, and dissolves debris in drains..By applying these acids carefully, it is possible to clean specific areas, reducing the negative effects on the environment and also that is use making the best use of available resources. The composition of cleaning acids is always changing due to technological advancements, providing environmentally friendly substitutes that are equally effective as well as less likely to harm the environment. Eliminates bacteria, and promotes health. Cleaning acids play a crucial role in maintaining hygienic conditions and the cleanliness of diverse surfaces, as demonstrated by their meticulous incorporation into these regimens. Preferred by professionals for reliability. Begins cleaning immediately, which saves time. Easy to store, handle, and use. Backed by our promise of quality.
Rapid Shine Cleaning acids are odorless, gas-free and non-corrosive and have the capacity to effectively remove rust, mineral deposits, hard stains and hard water build-up. It revives dull, lackluster tiles and gives them a new shine and luster that enhances the overall look of your space. Formulated with eco-conscious ingredients, minimizing environmental impact while delivering maximum cleaning performance .
To dilute the product, mix it with water.
1. Do not touch any part of the body,2. Use Gloves, 3. Should not be used on Nickel, Aluminum, Zinc, Tin etc...,4. If touch with body, wash with plenty of cold water, 5. keep away from children
أحماض التنظيف ربید شاین
عديمة الرائحة وخالية من الغازات وغير قابلة للتآكل ولديها القدرة على إزالة الصدأ والرواسب المعدنية والبقع الصلبة وتراكم الماء العسر بشكل فعال. إنه ينعش البلاط الباهت والباهت ويمنحه لمعانًا وبريقًا جديدًا يعزز المظهر العام للمساحة الخاصة بك. تم تركيبه من مكونات صديقة للبيئة، مما يقلل من التأثير البيئي مع توفير أقصى أداء للتنظيف
لتخفيف المنتج، قم بخلطه مع الماء
1. لا تلمس أي عضو من الجسم، 2. استعمل غطاء اليد 3.لا يجوز استماله على النيكل و المنيوم و زینک و غیره، 4. في حالة إصابته باجسم غعليك غساله الكثير من الماء البارد، 5.الابتعاد عن الأطفال