Bathroom Thick Cleaner 800gr

SKU: BT-T 800gr Category: Tag:

 bathroom Cleaner

Bathroom Thick Cleaner is more than just a cleaning product . Our special formula transforms your bathroom experience, and it t represents a dedication to environmental stewardship. This formulation promotes sustainability without sacrificing its potent cleaning properties because it is made with eco-friendly components. bathroom Cleaner, offering a more cleaning formula for a spotless, shiny, and disinfected bathroom. Say goodbye to limescale, stains, and germs , odours, and tedious scrubbing and welcome to a cleaner, healthier, and more enjoyable bathroom environment.This ready-to-use liquid kills 99.9% of germs. The bottle itself has an efficient design that minimizes waste and ensures precise application.. bathroom Cleaner is a thoughtful option for individuals who want to strike a balance between efficacy and environmental responsibility. It’s more than just a cleaning product.


 Rapid Shine bathroom Cleaner Rapid Shine

is more than just a cleaning product . Our special formula transforms your bathroom experience,  and it t represents a dedication to environmental stewardship. This formulation promotes sustainability without sacrificing its potent cleaning properties because it is made with eco-friendly components. bathroom Cleaner, offering a more cleaning formula for a spotless, shiny, and disinfected bathroom. Say goodbye to limescale, stains, and germs , odours, and tedious scrubbing  and welcome to a cleaner, healthier, and more enjoyable bathroom environment.This ready-to-use liquid  kills 99.9% of germs. The bottle itself has an efficient design that minimizes waste and ensures accurate application. bathroom Cleaner is a thoughtful option for individuals who want to strike a balance between efficacy and environmental responsibility. It’s more than just a cleaning product. With we product , you can experience the bathroom cleaning of the future—one in which responsibility and innovation coexist together and your dedication to a cleaner home easily complements a cleaner environment. With bathroom Cleaner, you can turn your bathroom cleaning regimen into a productive and sustainable habit.Enjoy a refreshing scent that leaves your bathroom smelling clean and inviting.Simply apply, let sit, and flush for effortless cleaning and maintenance. This product  Cleaner is safe for use on porcelain surfaces and septic systems, minimizing damage risks.Ideal for both residential and commercial bathrooms, providing versatile cleaning solutions. this  product is a reputable brand known for its quality and reliability in cleaning products. This is an affordable option for maintaining cleanliness and hygiene in your bathroom.With bathroom Cleaner, you can trust that your bathroom is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized.end of say Try our brand for reliable, high-performance bathroom cleaning supplies that consistently outshine competitors


1. Use gloves when cleaning the bathroom, 2. It is used to clean stone and ceramics, sinks and toilets, 3. For best results, let it stay for 30 minutes, then brush your that or clean it with a soft tissue. Leave it overnight for stubborn stains, 4. Keep out of the reach of children, 5. After using this product, wash hands and exposed skin.


Remove all contaminated clothing immediately. Wash the skin with water. Call a poison center/physician immediately. 6. In case of eye contact: rinse carefully with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. Call a poison control center or doctor immediately, 7. If swallowed: rinse mouth. Do not induce vomiting. Call a poison control center/physician immediately, 8. Do not use with other cleaners or bleaches, it will cause burns


استخدم القفازات عند تنظيف الحمام، يستخدم لتنظيف الحجر والسيراميك والمغاسل والمراحيض، للحصول على أفضل النتائج، اتركه لمدة 30 دقيقة، ثم اغسل أسنانك أو نظفه بمنديل ناعم. . اتركه طوال الليل للتخلص من البقع العنيدة، يُحفظ بعيدًا عن متناول الأطفال، بعد استخدام هذا المنتج، اغسل اليدين والجلد المكشوف.

إذا كان على الجلد

قم بإزالة جميع الملابس الملوثة على الفور. تُغسل البشرة بالماء. اتصل بمركز السموم/الطبيب على الفور. في حالة ملامسة العين: اشطفيه بعناية بالماء لعدة دقائق. إزالة العدسات اللاصقة، إذا كانت موجودة وسهلة للقيام. استمر في الشطف. اتصل بمركز مكافحة السموم أو الطبيب على الفور،

في حالة البلع

اشطف الفم. لا تقم بتحريض القيء. اتصل بمركز مكافحة السموم/الطبيب على الفور، لا تستخدمه مع المنظفات أو المبيضات الأخرى، فقد يسبب حروقًا