Rapid Shine bleach liquid Rapid Shine
is a liquid detergent made of water and sodium hypochlorite that can bleach things. bleach liquid is suitable for use in the home and many workplaces. You can use it to clean floors, kitchens, Toilets,Bathroom and more by removing stains. Bleach liquid has the right products for cleaning surfaces and fabrics and remove stains. Our range has everything you need in one place, saving you time and effort.Our dedicated team of experts works tirelessly to develop extremely effective and reliable formulations. Each product undergoes rigorous testing to meet the highest industry standards.We take great pride in the quality of our cleaning products. By choosing this Bleach liquid , you not only achieve outstanding cleanliness but also contribute to a cleaner, greener planet.Our products use environmentally friendly ingredients and packaging materials, minimizing our environmental impact.With our affordable products, you can achieve professional-level cleanliness without breaking the bank. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Our friendly and knowledgeable customer support team is always ready to address any queries or concerns you may have
This bleaching Liquid is made for hard, non-porous floor surfaces, especially those in the bathroom and kitchen, as well as for bleaching textiles and clothing. It can also be used as a germicide and disinfectant in hotels, homes and hospitals.
1.Keep out of reach of children, 2.Use gloves when using,3.Do not use on aluminum, chipped or cracked enamel, copper, brass, silver or unsealed wood, marble, tile or granite,4. Avoid contact with aluminum; if accidental contact occurs, rinse immediately with water. Storage: Product is unstable above 21 deg C. Store in a cool, dark, ventilated place, away from direct sunlight and heat.
سائل التبييض هذا مصنوع لأسطح الأرضيات الصلبة وغير المسامية، خاصة تلك الموجودة في الحمام والمطبخ، وكذلك لتبييض المنسوجات والملابس. ويمكن استخدامه أيضًا كمبيد للجراثيم ومطهر في الفنادق والمنازل والمستشفيات
1. يُحفظ بعيدًا عن متناول الأطفال، 2. استخدم القفازات عند الاستخدام، 3. لا تستخدمه على الألومنيوم أو المينا المتشققة أو المتشققة أو النحاس أو النحاس أو الفضة أو الخشب غير المختوم أو الرخام أو البلاط أو الجرانيت، 4. تجنب ملامسة الألومنيوم. في حالة حدوث تلامس عرضي، اشطفيه على الفور بالماء. التخزين: المنتج غير مستقر في درجة حرارة أعلى من 21 درجة مئوية. يخزن في مكان بارد ومظلم وجيد التهوية، بعيداً عن أشعة الشمس المباشرة والحرارة